Dining & Culinary

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Experience Restaurant-Style Dining at Somerby 

If food is the foundation of healthy living, mealtime may just be the foundation of a healthy community. After all, breaking bread with friends and family has been a principal way of building relationships, stirring the heart, and sharpening the mind throughout history. We take the joy of mealtime seriously at Somerby Mount Pleasant.

Our restaurant was specifically created to provide both outstanding menu options and memorable moments with friends. Professional chefs prepare the meals while seasonal delights, and daily menu changes accentuate the dining experience. 

Restaurant-Style Dining at Somerby Mount Pleasant  

Everyone enjoys meals differently, so we’re happy to offer flexible dining options. 

3 different entrees are offered daily, along with Monday through Saturday meals for independent living residents. Enjoy a relaxing end to the weekend with Sunday brunch, and celebrate with friends and family during Happy Hour. 

Dine however you like. Choice is the keyword here!

Taste the Flavor of Compassionate Senior Living

Experience Good Eating & Good Living

Our community is where exceptional dining and vibrant living meet.

Schedule a visit today and enjoy the difference that professional, chef-led dining can make in daily wellness. 

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